Ambassador Process
The candidate must have volunteered with Frisco Arts for at least 1 full year before being considered to be an Ambassador.
The candidate must be nominated to become an Ambassador by the Ambassador Team Lead.
The candidate must complete an application to be submitted to the Frisco Arts Board of Directors for review and approval. A review committee consisting of a current Ambassador and Board Member will give their recommendation regarding the candidate.
Once accepted, the candidate will become an official Ambassador, functioning as Project Lead of a committee.
The Ambassador Team Lead may recommend ambassadors who have not satisfied the above requirements but exhibit significant arts-related or non arts-related board experience or expertise.
An Ambassador may serve as the Project Lead of an event/initiative for 2 terms of 2 years, or 4 years total.
Once the maximum term is complete, the Ambassador must roll off for one gap year and may volunteer in any committee.
Upon Board approval, the Ambassador Team Lead may re-appoint the Ambassador to an open position after the gap year.
Ambassadors are accountable to successfully execute an event or initiative.
Ambassadors are responsible for the logistics, set-up, tear-down, communicating with and securing volunteers for the event through the Volunteer Coordinator.
Ambassadors will recruit team members and identify an Ambassador Assistant to train.
Ambassadors will report to the Ambassador Team Lead.
Ambassadors will abide by the Policies and Procedures manual for each event.
Ambassadors may not change the content or substance of the event, but instead keep the integrity of the event and initiative.
Ambassadors must sign the Conflict of Interest form and Code of Conduct form.
Ambassadors meet on the last Tuesday of every month from 12pm-1pm for an Ambassador lunch meeting.
There are no dues, but Ambassadors are encouraged to be donors of Frisco Arts at the Patron Level or above. ($250 annually, or $25/monthly)